What's New

Sample Code for Lecture 25

The code for the “bad example” from Lecture 25 is now available.

Lectures 25 and 26

The slides for Lecture 25 and the slides for Lecture 26 are now available.

Lecture 23 Example Code

If you have a recent copy of XCode, you can download the examples I covered in Lecture 23.

Lectures 23 and 24

The slides for Lecture 23 and the slides for Lecture 24 are now available. I’ll make the source code for Lecture 23 (the parts I can release) available soon. The source code for Lecture 24 is available from the Pragmatic Programmers website for the book Programming Concurrency on the JVM.

Lecture 22

The slides for Lecture 22 (tomorrow’s lecture) are now available.

Iteration 1 Report

The iteration report for Iteration 1 is due on Friday. I have updated the semester project description with detailed information about what should go into the report.

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

A student in class pointed me to the more complete form of the “buffalo example” I covered in lecture. Wikipedia for the win!


Lectures 20 and 21

The slides for Lecture 20 (last Thursday) and Lecture 21 (tomorrow) are now available.

© University of Colorado, Boulder 2014