continuous reachability { state var x,y #, t setting { fixed steps 0.05 time 5 remainder estimation 1e-2 identity precondition gnuplot octagon x,y fixed orders 8 cutoff 1e-15 precision 100 output ltv_test print on } # RHS should be of the form ( f1(t) )*x1 + ( f2(t) )*x2 + ... ltv ode { # defining time-invariant uncertainties # each parameter ranging in [-1,1] time-inv { u1, u2 } # defining time-varying uncertainties # each parameter ranging in [-1,1] # the number 50 tells the ltv integrator to symbolically keep the LTV uncertainties for every 50 steps, the larger the number the better the accuracy time-var 50 { v1, v2 } { x' = (-1)*x + (-t)*y + (t) + (0.5)*u1 + (0.1)*v1 y' = (t^2)*x + y - (t) + (0.5)*u2 + (0.1)*v2 } } init { x in [1 , 1.5] y in [5 , 5.5] } }