CSCI 3202
Artificial Intelligence

Tu, Th 12:30 - 13:45
ECCR 151


10/20/04:  For ALL SUBSEQUENT ASSIGNMENTS, you should hand in any code that is part of the work you did.  Michael Howe cannot grade the homeworks without the code.  I apologize for telling you earlier that you didn't need to hand in code.  You can print the code out with "enscript -2r" or some other way to get multiple pages of code on a single piece of paper, so that you save paper.
If you had points taken off on earlier assignments because you didn't include code, Michael will regrade these if you bring your code and your graded assignment to office hours.

11/11/04: I suggested initializing your weights to a random value in the range -.01 to +.01.  It turns out that can lead to some poor local optima.  So if your network only learns a little and then seems to get stuck, you might try a larger learning rate.  This will definitely help for XOR, and may also help for the digits. 

11/11/04:  To give you a reality check for your neural net, you shoud be getting at least 70% correct on the test set if all is working correctly.

11/13/04:  If you train your network by presenting the digit examples in the same order as is in the training file, you may encounter the following problem:  Because the first 250 examples are all "0", the network will quickly learn to output "0" regardless of the input, then when you move on to "1", the network will quickly learn to say "1".  The result of this is that for most of the 250 examples of a given digit, the network will appear to have learned when all that has happened is that it changes the output biases.  It will make the network's error appear to be small when in fact the network hasn't learned much of anything.  To get around this problem, you should randomize the order of examples each training epochs.  In my code, I do this by having an array of indices numbered 0 - 2499 , and call a function permut to permute the order of these array elements.  Then I loop for i = 0 to 2499and use permuted_array[i] as the index of the next example I'm going to train on. 

Here is code written over 20  yr ago by a graduate student colleague (Gary Perlman) which I still use to randomly permute elements of an array.


Professor Michael Mozer (
Department of Computer Science
Engineering Center Office Tower 7-41
(303) 492-4103
Office Hours:  W 11:30-12:30, Th 14:00-15:00

Teaching Assistant

Michael Howe (
Office Hours: M 11:30-12:30, F 10:00-11:00, ECCS 1B23

Course Syllabus

Course Schedule


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