================================================================== LINUX: ======== If you follow the "Installation" instructions on the TISEAN website, you may get an error message that tells you to install gfortran -- which you can do, for instance, with apt install gfortran When you compile using gfortran/gcc, you'll probably get a bunch of errors. Most of them can be ignored, but you may need to change line 50 of source_f/cluster.f from: 999 if(iv_io(iverb).eq.1) write(0,'(a,i)') "matrix size ", np to have the length of the formatted integer specified, e.g.: 999 if(iv_io(iverb).eq.1) write(0,'(a,i8)') "matrix size ", np Regarding the pyTisean wrapper: check out these github repos... https://github.com/yidk/pytisean https://github.com/BrianGlassman/pytisean FYI the github repo for PyTisean is more up to date than the PyPi version (which gets installed by default when using pip). The github version can be installed with pip install git+https://github.com/bogeholm/pytisean. [[Aren't computers wonderful??? ]] Windows: Just download the binaries and run them from the Windows command prompt. Some folks have gotten TISEAN to work by copying the executable files in the Bin folder of the Windows TISEAN Package and using the command prompt through MatLab's system( ) function. For example if 'mutual.exe' and 'datafile' are in the current folder, we can run: system('mutual datafile -o output') which creates the 'output' file in the current Matlab directory.. ================================================================== MAC: ===== Download the binaries from the Tisean website, then install them and fire up a Terminal window. Navigate to the Tisean folder to run the commands. You may need to use the ./ syntax - i.e., ./mutual datafile -o outputfile rather than just mutual datafile -o outputfile. Sadly, if simply downloading the binaries doesn't work for you and you're not a unix hacker who can go under the hood using the Linux instructions above, you may want to consider using the CSEL version. 'brew tap brewsci/science' followed by 'brew install tisean' has worked in the past on Macs, but leaves the commands prefaced by a '-' ... i.e., 'tisean-mutual'. Unfortunately, that stopped working in early 2022 because of backward compatibility issues with a new python release and I'm not sure if it's fixed yet. If you do get it working, please please let me know so I can update this help doc! ================================================================== In the CSEL: ============= TISEAN is in /usr/lib/tisean on all of the CSEL desktops, as well as these two ssh-accessible machines: elra-01.cs.colorado.edu elra-02.cs.colorado.edu You can sign up for an account on these machines by going to sac.colorado.edu and choosing "CSEL" from the dropdown. If you have any trouble, email trouble@cs.colorado.edu. The IT folks were kind enough to add a shell function called 'tisean' that will put /usr/lib/tisean in your $PATH. Just open up a shell, type 'tisean', then all of the tools should be available to you. To run {\tt mutual}, for instance, you would just type the command name and then the arguments that specify how you want to run it (e.g., what input data, what parameter values, how you want it to output the data): mutual datafile -o outputfile If that doesn't work, try using the ./ syntax described above: ./mutual datafile -o outputfile