Web Services

Kenneth M. Anderson <kena@cs.colorado.edu>

Lecture 06: Web Technologies

Copyright Notice

Some material in this lecture is adapted from the teaching materials of the book “Web Services: Concepts, Architectures and Applications” and is thus Copyright © 2003 Gustavo Alonso, ETH Zürich and/or Copyright © 2004 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

All other material is Copyright © 2006 Kenneth M. Anderson

Web Technologies

The need to integrate, however, is not limited to the systems within a single company. The same advantages that can be derived from automating a company's business processes can be obtained from automating business processes encompassing several companies… This chapter serves as a transition between the chapters that precede, which focus on [single company EAI], and the chapters that follow, which describe Web services for [multiple company EAI]. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the basic Web technologies that are used to implement the “Web” portion of Web services.
    — Introduction to Chapter 4 of our Textbook

Core Web Technologies

HTTP Methods

Basic Architectural Elements of the World Wide Web

Disadvantages of HTTP (and their Solutions)

Web-Based Remote Clients

Remote clients can access services via the Internet

Technologies for Achieving Remote Clients

Applets enable rich client-side functionality

CGI scripts allow programs to dynamically generate HTML content

Servlets are similar to CGI scripts but make more efficient use of a server's resources

Application Servers

Application Server Architecture

J2EE-based APIs for Application Servers

Application Server Support for the Application Layer

Support for application logic in J2EE-based application servers

Application Server Support for the Presentation Layer

Support for presentation layer in J2EE-based application servers

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Web Technologies for Application Integration

Number of Ways Two 3-Tier Systems can be Integrated Across a WAN

A standard protocol makes middleware to middleware integration possible.

HTTP is used to tunnel messages between applications because port 80 is typically not blocked by firewalls

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