Heads-Up: Slower Start to the Presentations

I realized today that I won't have time to cover everything you need to know to create a presentation on GitHub. So, I'm going to cover one of the technologies that you need to know—git—tomorrow during Lecture 2 (after I discuss No Silver Bullet) and then start Lecture 3 by covering the other two things you need to know—GitHub and Markdown—and then finally show you an example presentation that you can use to get a sense for what I'm looking for.

In the meantime, you can start searching the web for possible topics that you can use for your five presentations. This weekend, I will create a document that will let you claim a particular topic. I will monitor that document and approve/reject topics that students submit until we all have a good idea of what's in scope and what's out-of-scope. I'll post more information about that this weekend. In the meantime, look for SE-related techniques, tools, and software life cycles, cool new programming frameworks, cutting edge technologies, etc. I'll be fairly open in what I approve as long as their is a clear SE angle that can be applied to the topic.

More info soon!

© University of Colorado, Boulder 2015