variable [ b1 s d] propsteps(4) Location l0 b1=0 s=0 d=0 #transitions modelling time advance #things are on time when the beacon is within 10 ticks of the #second Transition time_advance_ontime: l0, b1 -s -10 <=0 b1 -s + 10 >=0 'd=0 's-s-1=0 preserve[b1] #train 1 is late there is no time advance #train 1 is early time advance means that #delay advances for first 10 seconds Transition time_advance_brake1:l0, b1 -s >=1 d -10 <=0 's-s-1=0 'd-d=0 'b1-b1=0 Transition time_advance_stop1:l0, b1-s >= 1 d -10 >=0 's-s-1=0 'd-d=0 'b1-b1=0 #beacon advance #on time Transition beacon_advance_ontime: l0, b1 -s -9 <=0 b1 -s + 9 >=0 'd=0 'b1-b1-1=0 preserve[s] Transition beacon_advance_late1:l0, b1 -s +1 <= 0 'b1-b1=0 d=0 preserve[s,d] Transition beacon_advance_brake1:l0, b1-s -1 >=0 d-10 <=0 'd-d-1=0 'b1-b1-1=0 's-s=0 #beacon does not advance when completely stopped end