CSCI 7143-002: Topics in Mobile Computing

Graduate Seminar in Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing

Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado at Boulder, Fall 2001


Schedule & Location: MW 4-5:15 pm, ECOT 831 (originally MUEN D144)
Course number: CSCI 7143-002, Call # 14491.  See also the CS Web site.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and familiarity with TCP/IP networking.  Interested undergrads should contact the instructor.
Professor Rick Han,
Office: ECOT 521
Office Hours: Tues, Wed 2-3.  Additional appointments as needed.
Phone: 303-492-0914
Web site for class:


Students will be asked to build/create an innovative research project for presentation at the end of the semester.  Students will form teams of 2-3 members and work on projects as a team.  Teams and projects will be decided according to the timeline below.  Read ahead to topics that you'd be interested to do a project in.  A list of suggested project ideas will be available later.  Students are welcome to formulate their own project ideas.

Each team will be required to present their project to the class at the end of the course,
A final project report written in the style of a conference paper will be handed in following the presentation. 
If the final project is sufficiently innovative, and is accepted as a paper at a conference, then I'll pay for your trip to that conference (Hawaii anyone? Rio? Rome?).

Timeline for Project Presentations:

  • September 5-24: Project teams formed and topics discussed with prof.

  • September 24: Final project proposal (abstract) due and approved by prof.

  • October 8, 22 and November 5 and 19: Progress checks by prof.

  • December 5-12: Final project presentations. 30 minutes for each team.

  • December 13: Final project reports due.

Paper Reviews and Presentations

Students are required to read, present, and discuss graduate-level research papers throughout the semester.  An average of 2 papers per class session will be read. Written reviews of each paper to be discussed in class are due prior to that class.  Each student's reviews will be published so others may reference them.  For each paper, students should write a review answering each of the following questions:

  1. What problems (with prior work or the lack thereof) were addressed or surveyed by the authors?

  2. What solutions were proposed or surveyed by the authors?

  3. What are the technical strengths and main contributions of the paper's proposed solutions?

  4. What are the technical weaknesses of the paper's proposed solutions?  How would you improve upon the paper's ideas?

Each paper to be discussed in class will be assigned to a student to present in class. Assignments will rotate thoughout the class. The first student-led presentations will not begin until after Labor Day.


30% Final project presentation to class
25% Final project report
25% Class presentation of papers and participation in discussion
20% Paper reviews

Plagiarism policy.