Assignment 5
Probabilistic Models of
Human and Machine Intelligence

CSCI 5822

Assigned March 1, 2018
Due March 13, 2018

Note on what to hand in

If you are confident that your code is correct and your answers are correct, you do not need to hand in code.  If you are uncertain about your results, then handing in code will allow us to determine where errors were made.


The goal of this assignment is get experience running various approximate inference schemes using sampling, as well as to better understand Bayes nets and continuous probability densities.


Here is a Bayes net that relates a student's Intelligence, Major, University, and eventual Salary.

In this model, Intelligence is an individual's Intelligence Quotient (IQ), typically in the 70-130 range.  University is a binary variable indicating one of two different universities that an individual attends (ucolo, metro).  Major is a binary variable indicating one of two different majors that an individual might pursue (compsci, business), and Salary is the annual salary in thousands of dollars that the individual attains.

The generative model can be formulated as follows:

Intelligence ~ Gaussian(mean=100, SD=15)

P(University=ucolo | Intelligence) = 1/(1+exp(-(Intelligence-100)/5))
P(University=metro | Intelligence) = 1 - P(University=ucolo | Intelligence)

P(Major=compsci | Intelligence) = 1/(1 + exp(-(Intelligence-110)/5))
P(Major=business | Intelligence) = 1 - P(Major=compsci | Intelligence)

Salary ~ Gamma(0.1 * Intelligence + (Major==compsci) + 3 * (University==ucolo), 5)

The sigmoid functions for University and Major look like this:
The first argument of Gamma is a shape parameter (sometimes denoted k or a) and the second is a scale parameter (sometimes denoted θ or b).  "Major==compsci"  is shorthand for saying value 1 if the equality is true, 0 otherwise.  The density Gamma(12,5) looks like this:

See scipy.stats.gamma for functions relating to gamma densities.

And to make sure you understand the generative model, here is matlab code that will draw a sample from the joint distribution:

I = 100 + randn*15; % Normal(mean=100, sd=15)
M = rand < 1/(1+exp(-(I-110)/5)); % = 1 if Major=compsci, 0 if Major=business
U = rand < 1/(1+exp(-(I-100)/5)); % = 1 if University=cu, 0 if University=metro
S = gamrnd(.1 * I + M + 3 * U,5); % draw a salary from Gamma density with scale=5

For this assignment, I'd like you to estimate posterior distributions using likelihood weighted sampling (i.e., draw samples from the unconstrained graphical model that are weighted by the likelihood that Salary has the given value). Compute your estimates with at least 100,000 samples.  The essential code for this computation is 8 lines in matlab, and I've given you 3 of those 8 lines!
(a) Estimate the joint posterior, P(University, Major | Salary = 120)
(b) Extimate the joint posterior, P(University, Major | Salary = 60)
(c) Estimate the joint posterior, P(University, Major | Salary = 20)
(d) I observed an interesting phenomenon in the results:  The posterior probability of an individual being a CompSci major at Metro is low for each of the above conditions.  What explanation can you provide for this?


Suppose x is a 2D multivariate Gaussian random variable, i.e., x ∼ N (μ, Σ), where μ = (1, 0) and Σ = (1, −0.5; −0.5, 3).

Implement Gibbs sampling to estimate the 1D marginals, p(x1) and p(x2).  Plot these estimated marginals as histograms.  Superimpose a plot of the exact marginals.  In order to do Gibbs sampling, you will need the two conditionals, p(x1 | x2) and p(x2 | x1).   Barber presents the conditional and marginal distributions of a multivariate normal distribution in 8.4.18 and 8.4.19. Wikipedia gives an alternative expression of these distributions. You may use the built-in python function numpy.random.normal to sample from a 1D Gaussian, but you may not sample from a 2D Gaussian directly, i.e., you may not use numpy.random.multivariate_normal.

Here's what my solution looked like on a typical run.
In addition to the graph showing your results, report (1) the initialization you chose, (2) the burn-in duration, and (3) the number of samples obtained from each chain.


Suppose we have the following generative model for the two variables F and G:
equations for
          part 3

(a) Estimate the joint density on F and G using Metropolis-Hastings.

(b) Estimate E(FG), the expected product of F and G

