How to Write a Test Applet for Your Container Class

W hen you implement a new class, it's useful to have a small interactive test program to help you test the class methods. Such a program can be written as a Java applet, which is a Java program written in a special format to have a graphical user interface. The graphical user interface is also called a GUI (pronounced "gooey"), and it allows a user to interact with a program by clicking the mouse, typing information into boxes, and performing other familiar actions. With a Java applet, GUIs are easy to create even if you've never run into such goo before.

This section shows a pattern for developing such applets. To illustrate the pattern, we'll implement an applet that lets you test three of the bag's methods ( size , add , and countOccurrences ). When the bag applet starts, a GUI is created, similar to the drawing here:

By the way, the word "applet" means a particular kind of Java program, so you might show the drawing to your boss and say "My applet created this nice GUI." But you can also use the word "applet" to talk about the GUI itself, such as "The applet in this drawing has three buttons in its middle section." And in fact, there are three buttons in that applet--the rectangles labeled size( ) , add ( ) , and countOccurrences( ) .

In these notes, we'll suppose that you have written the IntArrayBag class described in the IntArrayBag documentation.

The BagApplet

The applet in the above drawing is intended to be used by the programmer who wrote the IntArrayBag class, to interactively check that the class is working correctly. When the applet starts, two sentences appear at the top: " This test program has created a bag. Press buttons to activate the bag's methods. " Above these sentences are some extra items. The display above our sentences is automatically created by the applet display mechanism. The exact form of this display varies from one system to another, but the dark bar across the top generally contains controls such as the X in the top right corner. Clicking on that X with the mouse closes the applet on this particular system.

A series of "buttons" appears in the middle part of the applet In order to test the bag, the user clicks on the various buttons. For example, the user can click on the size button and a new message will appear in the large text area at the bottom of the applet. The message will tell the current size of the bag, as obtained by activating the size( ) method. If you click on this button right at the start, you'll get the message " The bag's size is 0. "

The user can also activate add or countOccurrences , but these methods each need an argument. For example, to add the number 42 to the bag, the user types the number 42 in the white box next to the add button, then clicks the add button. Try that now, with this version of the BagApplet, embedded in this HTML page:

After elements have been added, the user can test countOccurrences . For example, to count the occurrences of the number 10, the user types 10 in the box by the countOccurrences button and then clicks the countOccurrences button. The applet activates countOccurrences(10) and prints the method's return value in the large text area at the bottom.

Anyway, that's the behavior that we want. Let's look at the Java programming techniques to produce and run such an applet.

Six Parts of a Simple Interactive Applet

Here is outline for the Java code of the applet which tests the IntArrayBag. The same outline can be used for an applet to interactively test any class.

// FILE:

1. Import statements. These statements import the class that is being tested and also the Java classes that are needed by the applet. For this applet, we must import the IntArrayBag class:

   import edu.colorado.collections.IntArrayBag;
Most applets will also have these three import statements:
   import java.applet.Applet; // Provides the Applet class.
   import java.awt.*;         // Provides Button class, etc.
   import java.awt.event.*;   // Provides ActionEvent, ActionListener 
   public class BagApplet extends Applet
2. The class
// Declare an IntArrayBag object for the Applet to manipulate:
// IntArrayBag b = new IntArrayBag( );
3. Declarations of the applet's components. These will be the declarations of buttons, text areas, and other GUI components that appear in the applet.
4. The init method.
public void init( )
5. Implementations of the action listeners. This code tells the applet what to do when each of the buttons is pressed.
6. Implementations of other methods. These are methods that are activated from within init to carry out various subtasks.

The code has six parts which we'll discuss now.

1. Import statements

As with any Java program, we begin with a collection of import statements to tell the compiler about the other classes that we'll be using. In the case of the bag applet, we import the IntArrayBag class by using the statement:

   import edu.colorado.collections.IntArrayBag;
Most applets also have these three import statements:

   import java.applet.Applet;
   import java.awt.*;
   import java.awt.event.*;
The first import statement provides a class called Applet , which we'll use in a moment. The other two import statements provide items from the abstract windowing toolkit (the "AWT"), which is a collection of classes for drawing buttons and other GUI items.

2. The Class Definition

After the import statements, we define a class, much like any other Java class. This class definition begins with the line:

   public class IntArrayBag Applet extends Applet
The class definition continues down to the last closing bracket of the file. The class for the bag applet is called BagApplet, which is certainly a good name, but what does " extends Applet " mean? It means that the BagApplet class will not be written entirely by us. Instead, the class begins by already having all the non-private methods of another class called Applet . We imported the Applet class from java.applet.Applet , and it is provided as part of the Java language so that a class such as BagApplet does not have to start from scratch. The act of obtaining methods from another class is called inheritance. The class that provides these methods (such as the Applet class) is called the base class, and the new class (such as BagApplet ) is called the extended class. Chapter 13 studies inheritance in detail, but for now all you need to know is that the BagApplet obtains a bunch of methods from the Applet class without having to do anything more than " extends Applet ."

At the top of the class we define an IntArrayBag instance variable:

   private IntArrayBag b = new IntArrayBag( );
This bag, b, will be manipulated when the user clicks on the applet's buttons. In general, an interactive test applet will have one or more objects declared here, and these objects are manipulated by clicking the applet's buttons.

3. Declarations of the applet's components

An applet's components are the buttons and other items that are displayed when the applet runs. These components are declared as instance variables of the class. Our bag applet has several kinds of components: buttons (such as the size() button), text fields (which are the white rectangles next to some of the buttons), and a text area (which is the large rectangle in the bottom third of the applet). In all, there are six important components in the bag applet, represented by these six instance variables:

   Button    sizeButton             = new Button("size( )");
   Button    addButton              = new Button("add( )");
   TextField elementText            = new TextField(10);
   Button    countOccurrencesButton = new Button("countOccurrences( )");
   TextField targetText             = new TextField(10);
   TextArea  feedback               = new TextArea(7, 60);
All the instance variables are declared near the top of the class definition, before any of the method definitions. They cannot have the usual private access because they'll be accessed from other classes that we'll see shortly. But before that, let's look at the three kinds of components: button, text field, and text area.

A button is a grey rectangle with a label. When a button is created, the constructor is given a string that is printed in the middle of the button. For example, this declaration creates a button called sizeButton , and the label on the button is the string " size() ":

   Button sizeButton = new Button("size( )");
The bag applet has three Button objects: sizeButton , addButton , and count-OccurrencesButton .

Text Field
A text field is a white rectangle that can display one line of text. A text field is set up so that the program's user can click on the field and type information, and the applet can then read that information. Our applet has two text fields, one next to the add button and one next to the countOccurrences button. The TextField class has a constructor with one argument--an integer that specifies approximately how many characters can fit in the text field. For example, one of our text fields is declared as:

   TextField elementText = new TextField(10);
The elementText text field can hold about 10 characters. The user can actually type beyond 10 characters, but only 10 characters of a long string will be displayed. We plan to display elementText right beside the add button. To test the add method, the user will type a number in the text field and click on the add button.

Text Area
A text area is like a text field with more than one line. Its constructor has two arguments that specify the number of rows and columns of text to display. Our bag applet has one text area, declared like this:

   TextArea feedback = new TextArea(7, 60);
This large text area appears at the bottom of the applet. The intention is to use the text area to display messages to the user.

The declarations we have seen created the three kinds of components: Button , TextField , and TextArea . All three classes are part of the java.awt package that is imported by our applet. When we declare a button (or other component) and create it with the constructor, it does not immediately appear in the GUI. How do the objects get placed in the GUI? Also, how does the applet know what to do when the user clicks on a button or takes some other action? The answers to these two questions lie in a special applet method called init , which we'll discuss next.

4. The init method

A Java application program has a special static method called main . A Java applet does not have main . Instead, an applet has a special nonstatic method called init . When an applet runs, the runtime system creates an object of the applet class, and activates init( ) for that object. There are several other applet methods that the runtime system also activates at various times, but an interactive test program needs only init .

Our init method carries out four kinds of actions:

  • The add method.
    We can add one of the interactive components to the GUI. This is done with an applet method called add. The method has one argument, which is the component that is being added to the GUI. For example, one of our buttons is sizeButton , so we can write the statement:
  •    add(sizeButton);

    As components are added, the GUI fills up from left to right. If there is no room for a component on the current line, then the GUI moves down and starts a new row of components. Later you can learn more sophisticated ways of laying out the components of a GUI, but the simple left-to-right method used by an applet is a good starting point.

  • Displaying messages.
    We can display messages in the GUI. Each message is a fixed string that provides some information to the user. Each of these messages is a Label object (from the package java.awt ). To create and display a message, we activate add, with a newly created Label as the argument. For example:
  •    add(new Label("This test program has created a bag"));
    The Label constructor has one argument, which is the string that you want to display. The add method will put the message in the next available spot of the GUI.

  • New lines and horizontal lines.
    If our applet class has other methods (besides init), then we can activate these other methods. For example, we plan to have two other methods in the IntArrayBag class:
       addNewLine addHorizontalLine
       void addNewLine( );
       void addHorizontalLine(Color c);
    The addNewLine method forces the GUI to start a new line, even if there's room for more components on the current line. The second method, addHorizontalLine , draws a horizontal line in the specified color. We'll have to define these two methods as part of BagApplet.Java , but they won't be difficult. (The data type Color is part of java.lang . It includes and twelve other colors plus the ability to define your own colors.)

  • Activate methods of the components.
    The buttons and other components have methods that can be activated. For example, one of the methods of a TextField is called append . The method has one argument, which is a string, and this string is appended to the end of what's already in the text field. One of the statements in our init method will activate append in this way:
  •    append
       feedback.append("I am ready for your first action.\n");
    This causes the message " I am ready for your first action. " to be written in the feedback text field (with a newline character \n at the end of the message).

    The most important method for buttons involves a new kind of object called an action listener. An action listener is object that an applet programmer creates to describe the action that should be taken when certain events occur. Our bag applet will have a different kind of action listener for each of the three buttons:

    Kind of Action Listener




    Describes the actions to be taken when sizeButton is clicked.



    Describes the actions to be taken when add Button is clicked.



    Describes the actions to be taken when countOccurrencesButton is clicked.


    Each kind of action listener is actually a new class that we'll define in a moment. But the only thing you need to know for the init method is how to connect an action listener to a Button . The solution is to activate a method called addActionListener for each Button . For example, to connect sizeButton to its action listener, we place this statement in the init method:

         sizeButton.addActionListener(new SizeListener( ));

    Notice that addActionListener is a method of the Button class, and its one argument is a new SizeListener object. Of course, we still need to implement the SizeListener class, as well as the other two action listener classes. But first, let's summarize all the pieces that are part of the init method for the BagApplet . Within init , we expect to activate these methods to carry our work:

    an Applet method to add the buttons and other components to the display
    addNewLine and addHorizontalLine
    two methods that we will write for the BagApplet
    a method of the TextField to place the message "I am ready for your first action" in feedback (a TextField object)
    a method that will be called once for each of the three buttons

    The complete init implementation is shown in That code uses just one method that we haven't yet mentioned. That one method ( setEditable ) is summarized in this table along with the other applet-oriented methods that we have used or plan to use:

    Methods to Call from an Applet or from a Class That Extends an Applet
    add(component) The component may be any of Java’s AWT components such as Button, TextArea, or TextField. As components are added, the applet fills up from left to right. If there is no room for a component on the current line, then the applet moves down and starts a new row of components.
    addHorizontalLine(Color c)
    These are not actually Applet methods—you’ll need to define them if you want to use them.

    Constructors for Three Useful Applet Components
    Button(String label) Creates a button with a given label.
    TextField(int size) Creates a white box for the user to type information. The size is the number of characters.
    TextArea(int rows, int columns) Creates a box with the given number of rows and columns--often for displaying information to the user.

    Six Useful Methods for a Component
    b.setActionListener (ActionListener act) We use b.setActionListener for a Button b. The ActionListener, act, describes the actions to take when the Button b is pressed.
    t.append(String message) We use t.append for a TextArea t. The specified message is added to the end of the TextArea.
    t.getText() We use t.getText for a TextField t. The method returns a copy of the String that the user has typed in the field.
    t.setEditable (boolean editable) The component t can be a TextArea or a TextField. The boolean parameter tells whether you want the user to be able to type text into the component.
    We use these methods with a TextField. The requestFocus method causes the mouse to go to the field, and selectAll causes all text to be highlighted.
    c.setSize (int width, int height) This method may be used with any component c. The component’s width and height are set to the given values in pixels.

  • 5. Implementations of the action listeners
    The next step of the applet implementation is to design and implement three action listener classes--one for each of our three buttons. The purpose of an action listener is to describe the actions that are carried out when a button is pushed.

    Here's the Java syntax for defining an action listener class--the blank line is filled in with your choice of a name for the action listener class.

       class _______________ implements ActionListener
          void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)

    The phrase " implements ActionListener " informs the Java compiler that the class will have a certain method that is specified in the ActionListener interface that is part of java.awt.* . The method, called actionPerformed , is shown with "..." to indicate its body. The actionPerformed method will be executed when an action occurs in the action listener's component, such as clicking a button. For example, here is the complete definition of the action listener that handles the clicking of the size() button of our test applet:

       class SizeListener implements ActionListener
          void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
             feedback.append("The bag has size " + b.size( ) + ".\n"");

    This declares a class called SizeListener , which includes its own actionPerformed method. For most classes, the class definition would go in a separate file called . But a separate file is undesirable here because the actionPerformed method needs access to two instance variables: the bag b and the text area feedback . The necessary access can be provided by placing the entire SizeListener definition within the BagApplet . This is an example of an inner class, where the definition of one class is placed inside of another. An inner class has two key properties:

    • The larger class that encloses an inner class may use the inner class; but the inner class may not be used elsewhere.
    • The inner class may access nonprivate instance variables and methods of the larger class. Some Java implementations also permit an inner class to access private instance variables of the larger class. But other implementations forbid private access from an inner class. (Java implementations that are built into web browsers are particularly apt to forbid the private access.)

    So, by making SizeListener an inner class, the actionPerformed method can activate feedback.append to print a message in the feedback component of the applet. The message itself includes an activation of b.size( ) , so an entire message is something like "The bag has size 42."

    The actionPerformed Method
    The SizeListener class is an inner class, declared within BagApplet . Therefore, its actionPerformed method has access to the instance variables of the BagApplet.

    By the way, the actionPerformed method has a parameter called event . For more complex actions, the event can provide more information about exactly which kind of action triggered the actionPerformed method.

    Once an action listener is created, it must be registered with its particular button. The registration is made in the init method. Our applet had these three statements to register the three ActionListener objects:

       sizeButton.addActionListener(new SizeListener( ));
       addButton.addActionListener(new AddListener( ));
          (new CountOccurrencesListener( ));
    For example, the first of these statements creates a new SizeListener and registers it with the button sizeButton .

    Let's look at the second action listener class for our applet: AddListener . This action listener handles the actions of addButton , which is in the middle of the applet with a TextField that's right beside it. What actions should occur when the user clicks the addButton ? The text should be read from the TextField . This text is a String , such as "42", but it can      be converted to its value as an integer by using the Java method Integer.parseInt . The method Integer.parseInt has one argument (a String which should contain an integer value), and the return value is the int value of the String . Once we know the value of the integer provided by the user, we can add it to the bag b and print an appropriate message in the applet's feedback area. Following these ideas, we have this first try at implementing AddListener:

       class AddListener implements ActionListener
          void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
             String userInput = elementText.getText( );
             int element = Integer.parseInt(userInput);
             feedback.append(element + " has been added to the bag.\n");
    The actionPerformed method defined here uses three of the applet's instance variables: (1) elementText , which is the TextField where the user typed a number; (2) the bag b , where the new element is added; and (3) the TextArea feedback , where a message is printed providing feedback to the user.

    The method works fine, though a problem arises if the user forgets to type a number in the TextField before clicking the button. In this case, a Number-FormatException will occur when Integer.parseInt tries to convert the user's string to an integer. The best solution to this problem is to "catch" the exception when it occurs, rather than allowing the exception to stop the applet. The syntax for catching a NumberFormatException looks like this:

          ...code that might throw a NumberFormatException...
       catch (NumberFormatException e)
          ...code to execute if the NumberFormatException happens...
    The words try and catch are Java keywords for handling exceptions. The full power of try and catch are described in van der Linden's book. For our purposes, we'll follow the preceding pattern to write a better version of AddListener:

       class AddListener = implements ActionListener
          void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                String userInput = elementText.getText( );
                int element = Integer.parseInt(userInput);
                   (element + " has been added to the bag.\n");
             catch (NumberFormatException e)
                   ("Type an integer before clicking button.\n");   
                elementText.requestFocus( );
                elementText.selectAll( );
    If a NumberFormatException occurs, then the code in the catch block is executed. This code prints a message in the feedback area of the applet, then activates two methods for elementText (which is the TextField where the user was supposed to type a number):

       elementText.requestFocus( );
       elementText.selectAll( );
    The requestFocus method causes the mouse cursor to jump into the TextField , and the selectAll method causes any text in the field to be highlighted. So now, if the user forgets to type a number, the applet will print a nice error message and provide a second chance.

    Our applet needs one more action listener for the countOccurrences button. That implementation is part of

  • 6. Implementations of other methods

    Our applet has two other methods that we've mentioned: (1)  addHorizontalLine , which draws a horizontal line in a specified color; and (2) addNewLine , which causes a new line to start in the GUI, even if there's room for more components on the current line.

    Our addHorizontalLine doesn't really draw a line. Instead, it adds a component called a Canvas to the applet. A Canvas is another applet component, like a Button , primarily used for drawing graphical images. The size of the Canvas can be set in pixels, which are the individual dots on a computer screen. Today's typical screens have about 100 pixels per inch, so a Canvas that is only one pixel high looks like a horizontal line. Here's our implementation:

       private void addHorizontalLine(Color c)
          // Add a Canvas 10000 pixels wide but 
          // only 1 pixel high, which acts as
          // a horizontal line.
          Canvas line = new Canvas( );
          line.setSize(10000, 1);
    Notice that the Canvas is 10,000 pixels wide, which is wide enough to span even the largest applet--at least on today's computer screens.

    Our last method, addNewLine , works by calling addHorizontalLine with the color set to the background color of the applet. In effect, we are drawing a horizontal line, but it is invisible since it's the same color as the applet's background.

    The implementation of addNewLine is given in as part of the complete applet. Look through the whole applet with an eye toward how it can be expanded to test all of the bag's methods or to test a different class.

How to Compile and Run an Applet

An applet can be compiled just like any other Java program. For example, using the Java Development Kit we can compile with the command line:

You may have some other way of compiling Java programs in your development environment, but the result will be the same. The act of compiling produces the file BagApplet.class. The compilation will probably produce three other files with names such as BagApplet$SizeListener.class . These are the compiled versions of the inner classes.

Applets were actually created to run as part of a page that you view over the Internet with a web browser. These pages are called html pages, which stands for "hyper-text markup language." So, to run the BagApplet, we need a small html file. The file, called BagApplet.html, should be created by you in the same directory as BagApplet.class, and it should contain the two lines of html code shown here:

   <applet code="BagApplet.class" width=480 height=340>
The first line, containing <applet...> tells the web browser that you are going to start an applet. Usually, you will have at least three pieces of information about the applet:


code = "BagApplet.class"

Tells the browser where to find the compiled class.


width = 480

height = 340

Sets the applet's size in pixels. Today's typical screens have about 100 pixels per inch, so a size of 480 x 340 is about 4.8 inches by 3.4 inches.

Many Java development environments have a feature to automatically create a small html file such as this.

Once the html file is in place, you can run the applet in one of two ways. One approach is to run an appletviewer, which is a tool that reads an html file and runs any applets that it finds. The Java Development Kit has an appletviewer that is executed from the command line. For example, to run the JDK appletviewer you change to the directory that contains BagApplet.html and type the command:

        appletviewer BagApplet.html
This command runs the applet. The applet can also be displayed by putting the class and html files in a location that's available to your web browser .

Beyond the init Method

Our test applet needed to define only the init method. More complex applets can also be created, involving graphical images plus interaction. Graphical applets will generally provide other methods called start , paint , update , stop , and destroy . A good resource is Graphic Java Mastering the AWT by David M. Geary.

Self-Test Exercises

  1. Write three declarations of instance variables that might appear in an applet. Include a constructor activation in each declaration. The first declaration is a button with the label "Mmm, good." The second declaration is for a text field of 15 characters. The third declarations is for a text area with 12 rows and 60 columns.
  2. Write three statements that could appear in the init method of an applet. The statements should take the three components from the previous exercise and add them to the applet's GUI.
  3. Write a statement that could appear in the init method of an applet to display the message "FREE Consultation!"
  4. Describe the technique used in the implementation of addHorizontalLine .
  5. Write a new action listener that can be registered to a button of the BagApplet . The actionPerformed method should print feedback to indicate how many copies of the numbers 1 through 10 appear in the applet's bag.
  6. Suppose that b is a button in the BagApplet . Write a statement that could appear in the init method to create an action listener of the previous exercise and register it to the button b .
  7. Suppose that s is a String that may or may not contain a sequence of digits representing a valid integer. Write a try-catch statement that will try to convert the String to an integer and print two times this integer. If the String does not represent a valid integer, then an error message should be printed.