Sample Programming Assignment
Chapter 6

Implement a Java application program called which reads a file of infix arithmetic expressions as input, evaluates all of the expressions, and writes the resulting answers to the standard output. The filename should be specified on the command line as a parameter to the program.

I suggest that you use the EasyReader class to read the lines from the input file. A method along these lines will also help:

static double evaluate_line(EasyReader input)
// Postcondition: One line of the input file has been read (up to
// and including the newline character). The method has tried to
// interpret this line as a infix arithmetic 
// expression made up of nonnegative double numbers and the
// four operations + - * and /. If everything went okay, then
// the return value is the value of this expression; If there were
// problems, then the return value is Double.NaN.

The implementation of this method could convert the infix expression to a postfix expression and then evaluate it, but a better idea is to evaluate the expression directly, with this pseudocode:

  1. Initialize one stack of characters to hold operation symbols and one stack of numbers to hold intermediate results.

  2. Do the following until the line is completely read: Within this loop, each time you pop a symbol from the character stack, you should apply that operation to the top two numbers on the numbers stack and push the answer back onto the numbers stack.

  3. When the loop finishes, pop and process any remaining symbols on the character stack. There should then be one number on the numbers stack, and this number is the value of the expression.

There are several things that can go wrong in the pseudocode, such as not finding a left parenthesis on the character stack to match a right parenthesis that you have just read. Each of these potential problems should cause the method to read the rest of the input line and return the value Double.NaN.

You will find it useful to use the DoubleStack and CharStack classes from Chapter 6 of the textbook.