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CSCI 1300 - Exercise 11: Using and Designing structs

What You'll Get From This Exercise

The purpose of this lab is to give you some more practice with structs, both using and designing them.
We will have another lab quiz on structs next week, so take this opportunity to practice and figure out any questions you might have.
Download the file lab11.cxx and put it in a CLR Project. This file contains two structs. The first is a Character which contains strings, a data type you have not seen before. The second has been left empty for you to fill in.

Strings are a C++ data type capable of storing multiple characters (not to be confused with Characters); a string could be a word, a phrase, or even a sentence. In order to use strings, you must include the <string> library, but once you have done that, strings can be used much the way other data types are: For more about strings, you can look at chapter 8.2 of your book.

Using the Character struct
Write a function which takes an array of the Character type and its size and returns the Character which would be last if they were put in alphabetical order by last name. Ties should be broken by looking at the first name, then the middle initial.

For example, if you had:
Emerson, Amelia P.
Emerson, Walter R.
you should return Emerson, Walter R.
Also if you had:
Smith, John A.
Smith, John B.
Smith, John C.
you should return Smith, John C.

Note that this is the first time you have seen a function that returns a struct. This is legal and works much like a function that returns a simple data type such as an int or a double.

Creating the Shoe struct
Create a struct to hold a Shoe data type. This struct needs to contain at least the following:
the size of a shoe (including possible half sizes)
whether it is a left or a right shoe.

There is no one right way to do this (I can think of at least six possible implementations), but whichever way you choose, you must make sure that you get all of the information.

Initializing the Shoe struct
After you have designed your struct, create a function to initialize your shoes. Notice that the parameter list was left blank. This isn't because I think that you won't need any parameters, but because you should decide what parameters your function will need.

When you decide, don't forget to add the parameters to both the function header and the function prototype at the top of the function! If you are stuck, you can look at the function init_Character to get ideas on how a function of this type might work.

Once you have written your function, go to the main program and call it on the four Shoe variables: evil1, evil2, ultimate_evil, and not_quite_evil_enough. Give them the values mentioned in the comments.

Working with the Shoe struct
Write a Boolean function that takes two shoes and returns true if they are a pair. Two shoes are a pair if they have the same size, but one is a left shoe and the other is a right shoe.

Look Ahead
If you finish with these, start looking at Homework 5. This will be a long assignment, and it is a good idea to start brainstorming early!