// File: FloatNode.java from the package edu.colorado.nodes // Complete documentation is available from the FloatNode link in: // http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~main/docs package edu.colorado.nodes; /****************************************************************************** * A FloatNode provides a node for a linked list with * float data in each node. * * @note * Lists of nodes can be made of any length, limited only by the amount of * free memory in the heap. But beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE (2,147,483,647), * the answer from listLength is incorrect because of arithmetic * overflow. * * @see * * Java Source Code for this class * (www.cs.colorado.edu/~main/edu/colorado/nodes/FloatNode.java) * * @author Michael Main * (main@colorado.edu) * * @version Feb 10, 2016 * * @see Node * @see BooleanNode * @see ByteNode * @see CharNode * @see DoubleNode * @see IntNode * @see LongNode * @see ShortNode ******************************************************************************/ public class FloatNode { // Invariant of the FloatNode class: // 1. The node's float data is in the instance variable data. // 2. For the final node of a list, the link part is null. // Otherwise, the link part is a reference to the // next node of the list. private float data; private FloatNode link; /** * Initialize a node with a specified initial data and link to the next * node. Note that the initialLink may be the null reference, * which indicates that the new node has nothing after it. * @param initialData * the initial data of this new node * @param initialLink * a reference to the node after this new node--this reference may be null * to indicate that there is no node after this new node. * @postcondition * This node contains the specified data and link to the next node. **/ public FloatNode(float initialData, FloatNode initialLink) { data = initialData; link = initialLink; } /** * Modification method to add a new node after this node. * @param item * the data to place in the new node * @postcondition * A new node has been created and placed after this node. * The data for the new node is item. Any other nodes * that used to be after this node are now after the new node. * @exception OutOfMemoryError * Indicates that there is insufficient memory for a new * FloatNode. **/ public void addNodeAfter(float item) { link = new FloatNode(item, link); } /** * Accessor method to get the data from this node. * @return * the data from this node **/ public float getData( ) { return data; } /** * Accessor method to get a reference to the next node after this node. * @return * a reference to the node after this node (or the null reference if there * is nothing after this node) **/ public FloatNode getLink( ) { return link; } /** * Copy a list. * @param source * the head of a linked list that will be copied (which may be * an empty list in where source is null) * @return * The method has made a copy of the linked list starting at * source. The return value is the head reference for the * copy. * @exception OutOfMemoryError * Indicates that there is insufficient memory for the new list. **/ public static FloatNode listCopy(FloatNode source) { FloatNode copyHead; FloatNode copyTail; // Handle the special case of the empty list. if (source == null) return null; // Make the first node for the newly created list. copyHead = new FloatNode(source.data, null); copyTail = copyHead; // Make the rest of the nodes for the newly created list. while (source.link != null) { source = source.link; copyTail.addNodeAfter(source.data); copyTail = copyTail.link; } // Return the head reference for the new list. return copyHead; } /** * Copy a list, returning both a head and tail reference for the copy. * @param source * the head of a linked list that will be copied (which may be * an empty list in where source is null) * @return * The method has made a copy of the linked list starting at * source. The return value is an * array where the [0] element is a head reference for the copy and the [1] * element is a tail reference for the copy. * @exception OutOfMemoryError * Indicates that there is insufficient memory for the new list. **/ public static FloatNode[ ] listCopyWithTail(FloatNode source) { FloatNode copyHead; FloatNode copyTail; FloatNode[ ] answer = new FloatNode[2]; // Handle the special case of the empty list. if (source == null) return answer; // The answer has two null references . // Make the first node for the newly created list. copyHead = new FloatNode(source.data, null); copyTail = copyHead; // Make the rest of the nodes for the newly created list. while (source.link != null) { source = source.link; copyTail.addNodeAfter(source.data); copyTail = copyTail.link; } // Return the head and tail references. answer[0] = copyHead; answer[1] = copyTail; return answer; } /** * Compute the number of nodes in a linked list. * @param head * the head reference for a linked list (which may be an empty list * with a null head) * @return * the number of nodes in the list with the given head * note * A wrong answer occurs for lists longer than Int.MAX_VALUE. **/ public static int listLength(FloatNode head) { FloatNode cursor; int answer; answer = 0; for (cursor = head; cursor != null; cursor = cursor.link) answer++; return answer; } /** * Copy part of a list, providing a head and tail reference for the new copy. * @param start * reference to start node of a linked list * @param end * reference to end node of a linked list * @precondition * start and end are non-null references to nodes * on the same linked list, * with the start node at or before the end node. * @return * The method has made a copy of the part of a linked list, from the * specified start node to the specified end node. The return value is an * array where the [0] component is a head reference for the copy and the * [1] component is a tail reference for the copy. * @exception IllegalArgumentException * Indicates that start and end are not references * to nodes on the same list. * @exception NullPointerException * Indicates that start is null. * @exception OutOfMemoryError * Indicates that there is insufficient memory for the new list. **/ public static FloatNode[ ] listPart(FloatNode start, FloatNode end) { FloatNode copyHead; FloatNode copyTail; FloatNode cursor; FloatNode[ ] answer = new FloatNode[2]; // Make the first node for the newly created list. Notice that this will // cause a NullPointerException if start is null. copyHead = new FloatNode(start.data, null); copyTail = copyHead; cursor = start; // Make the rest of the nodes for the newly created list. while (cursor != end) { cursor = cursor.link; if (cursor == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("end node was not found on the list"); copyTail.addNodeAfter(cursor.data); copyTail = copyTail.link; } // Return the head and tail references answer[0] = copyHead; answer[1] = copyTail; return answer; } /** * Find a node at a specified position in a linked list. * @param head * the head reference for a linked list (which may be an empty list in * which case the head is null) * @param position * a node number * @precondition * position > 0. * @return * The return value is a reference to the node at the specified position in * the list. (The head node is position 1, the next node is position 2, and * so on.) If there is no such position (because the list is too short), * then the null reference is returned. * @exception IllegalArgumentException * Indicates that position is not positive. **/ public static FloatNode listPosition(FloatNode head, int position) { FloatNode cursor; int i; if (position <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("position is not positive"); cursor = head; for (i = 1; (i < position) && (cursor != null); i++) cursor = cursor.link; return cursor; } /** * Search for a particular piece of data in a linked list. * @param head * the head reference for a linked list (which may be an empty list in * which case the head is null) * @param target * a piece of data to search for * @return * The return value is a reference to the first node that contains the * specified target. If there is no such node, the null reference is * returned. **/ public static FloatNode listSearch(FloatNode head, float target) { FloatNode cursor; for (cursor = head; cursor != null; cursor = cursor.link) if (target == cursor.data) return cursor; return null; } /** * Modification method to remove the node after this node. * @precondition * This node must not be the tail node of the list. * @postcondition * The node after this node has been removed from the linked list. * If there were further nodes after that one, they are still * present on the list. * @exception NullPointerException * Indicates that this was the tail node of the list, so there is nothing * after it to remove. **/ public void removeNodeAfter( ) { link = link.link; } /** * Modification method to set the data in this node. * @param newData * the new data to place in this node * @postcondition * The data of this node has been set to newData. **/ public void setData(float newData) { data = newData; } /** * Modification method to set the link to the next node after this node. * @param newLink * a reference to the node that should appear after this node in the linked * list (or the null reference if there is no node after this node) * @postcondition * The link to the node after this node has been set to newLink. * Any other node (that used to be in this link) is no longer connected to * this node. **/ public void setLink(FloatNode newLink) { link = newLink; } }