// FILE: table1.h (part of the namespace main_savitch_12A) // TEMPLATE CLASS PROVIDED: table (a table of records with keys). // This class is a container template class for a table of records. // The template parameter, RecordType, is the data type of the records in the // table. It may be any of the bulit-in C++ types (int, char, etc.), or a // class with a default constructor, an assignment operator, and an integer // member variable called key. // // MEMBER CONSTANT for the table class: // static const size_type CAPACITY = ________ // table::CAPACITY is the maximum number of records held by a table. // // CONSTRUCTOR for the table template class: // table( ) // Postcondition: The table has been initialized as an empty table. // // MODIFICATION MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the table class: // void insert(const RecordType& entry) // Precondition: entry.key >= 0. Also if entry.key is not already a key in // the table, then the table has space for another record // (i.e., size( ) < CAPACITY). // Postcondition: If the table already had a record with a key equal to // entry.key, then that record is replaced by entry. Otherwise, entry has // been added as a new record of the table. // // void remove(int key) // Postcondition: If a record was in the table with the specified key, then // that record has been removed; otherwise the table is unchanged. // // CONSTANT MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the table class: // bool is_present(const Item& target) const // Postcondition: The return value is true if there is a record in the // table with the specified key. Otherwise, the return value is false. // // void find(int key, bool& found, RecordType& result) const // Postcondition: If a record is in the table with the specified key, then // found is true and result is set to a copy of the record with that key. // Otherwise found is false and the result contains garbage. // // size_type size( ) const // Postcondition: Return value is the total number of records in the // table. // // VALUE SEMANTICS for the table template class: // Assignments and the copy constructor may be used with table objects. #ifndef TABLE1_H #define TABLE1_H #include // Provides size_t namespace main_savitch_12A { template class table { public: // MEMBER CONSTANT -- See Appendix E if this fails to compile. static const std::size_t CAPACITY = 811; // CONSTRUCTOR table( ); // MODIFICATION MEMBER FUNCTIONS void insert(const RecordType& entry); void remove(int key); // CONSTANT MEMBER FUNCTIONS bool is_present(int key) const; void find(int key, bool& found, RecordType& result) const; std::size_t size( ) const { return used; } private: // MEMBER CONSTANTS -- These are used in the key field of special records. static const int NEVER_USED = -1; static const int PREVIOUSLY_USED = -2; // MEMBER VARIABLES RecordType data[CAPACITY]; std::size_t used; // HELPER FUNCTIONS std::size_t hash(int key) const; std::size_t next_index(std::size_t index) const; void find_index(int key, bool& found, std::size_t& index) const; bool never_used(std::size_t index) const; bool is_vacant(std::size_t index) const; }; } #include "table1.template" // Include the implementation. #endif