Grading (tentative)

Your performance will be measured in the following four ways:

Paper review (20%)
For each class, you pick one paper from its reading list, and write a review for that paper. Your review may contain the following: what is this paper about? what are its strengths and weaknesses? is the description of the main technique clear to you? are the evaluations (if any) reasonable and convincing? can you improve their technique or apply it to a different domain? ....

Class participation (20%)
Besides the paper you reviewed, you should also read other papers in the reading list and be prepared to participate in discussions at class.

Paper presentation (20%)
During the semester, you will be asked to give one or two presentations. Each presentation is about 45 minutes long. Check out the current course schedule and pick a topic that you would like to present. You may also suggest new topics/readings. Each presentation also counts as a paper review, i.e., you do not need to submit a paper review for the topic you are presenting.

Course project (40%)
See the course projects page for more details.