CSCI 7818

Web Infrastructure, Services, and Applications

Topics in Software Engineering

Course Location
   ECOT 831

Course Time
   9:00 AM - 11:50 AM

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   Evaluation Criteria
   Team Information

Evaluation Criteria for CSCI 7818

A student will be evaluated in this seminar under the following criteria:

  • Class Participation
  • Class Presentations
  • Homeworks
  • Semester Project

The semester project will constitute a large part of the grade, but the other factors are not insignificant. With respect to presentations, I expect that each student will give at least two presentations before the semester is over.

Class presentations will be evaluated based not only on content but also in presentation style. One goal of this seminar is to help students improve their presentation skills, including speaking clearly and loud enough to be heard, reducing nervous habits while speaking, delivering coherent presentations, and responding well to questions.

The semester project will consist of the implementation of a software system that explores one of the topics of the seminar in great depth. Students may, for instance, develop a web service, or build a front end to existing web services. A project may explore adding new hypermedia features to the WWW or developing an application to explore the capabilities of the fledgling semantic web. Students will work in teams on these projects. The ideal team size is 3 to 4 people, although I will allow smaller teams to exist. Teams will be expected to document their progress using their weblogs and will produce at the end of the semester a prototype and a 4 page project write-up.

© Ken Anderson, 2001.
Last Updated: 8/30/01; 12:02:33 PM