CSCI 7818

Topics in Software Engineering: XML Techniques, Tools, Standards

Course Location
   ECOT 831

Course Time
   9:00 AM - 11:50 AM

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Semester Projects for CSCI 7818, Fall 2000

The main contributor to your grade in this seminar on XML techniques, standards, and tools, is a semester-long project that significantly applies some aspect of XML to a medium size (two to four person) project. The purpose of a project should be to increase your understanding of the capabilities of various XML standards, techniques, and tools and to attempt to push the limits of these technologies to help define when they should or should not be used.

The output of a project should consist of the following:

  • A two to five page project summary. This summary should describe the project including the problem it is trying to address, any necessary background information, the techniques you considered, and the techniques you actually used to solve the problem.
  • An architecture diagram. Draw an architectural diagram of the system and/or tool(s) that your project produced and augment the diagram with information specifying where XML techniques were applied. You may use any boxes and arrows diagram style to draw your project architecture, although the use of a standard notation, such as UML, is encouraged.
  • A demonstration. At the end of the semester, you should be able to demonstrate some aspect of your project. Your demo does not have to implement all the bells and whistles of a production product, but some significant aspect of the use of XML technology needs to be demonstrated.

Due Dates

November 9, 2000 First draft of architecture diagram plus a rough draft of a demo description
November 16, 2000 First draft of project summary. Does not need to be complete, but should define the problem and include background information and related work.
November 30, 2000 Updated demo description and project summary. Project summary should now include more information on the actual project itself.
December 7, 2000 Demos can begin (if your team is ready)
December 14, 2000 Demos should be scheduled. Final version of architecture diagram and project summary due.

© Ken Anderson, 2000.
Last Updated: 10/22/00; 12:48:08 PM