CSCI 6448

Object Oriented Analysis and Design

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   ECCR 150

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   Tuesday and Thursday
   9:30 AM - 10:45 AM

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   August, 1998
   September 1-9, 1998
   September 10-30, 1998
   October, 1998

Interaction Diagrams

PointsPercentage of Grade

Assignment Description

This assignment represents the last bit of design that your team will perform before switching to construction. In this assignment, your team will construct interaction diagrams that detail how a society of objects within your system collaborate to fulfill a task or goal of the project.

For the assignment, the team should construct four interaction diagrams: two should be sequence diagrams and the other two should be collaboration diagrams. (The former can be easily associated with activity diagrams, while the latter can take advantage of class diagrams.) A strong design will have the interaction diagrams building on top of the project's use cases, class diagrams, state diagrams, and activity diagrams. Points will be taken off if the interaction diagrams constructed do not have obvious ties to your previous design efforts. As a result, each diagram should be accompanied by a textual description that explicitly identifies the relevant associated diagrams and use cases that it is supporting.

(This means that the team should go back and make sure that each of its diagrams and use cases can be referenced in a clear and unique manner. Note: it is okay to create a new use case, activity diagram, or class diagram, if your present set of diagrams do not support the creation of an interaction that your team wishes to document. Hopefully, your existing diagrams will be sufficient and you can avoid this extra work.)

Your interaction diagrams will be stronger if they make use of the events that you identified in Team Assignment 4 and Team Assignment 5. This demonstrates the importance of events. A well defined event can be used in three different types of diagrams, binding the design elements together in a coherent fashion.

Again update Appendix 1 and Appendix 2, as appropriate. Also be sure to enhance Appendix 3 with a description of how working through the interaction diagrams impacted your design. Again, Appendix 3 will be used to determine points for the Iteration criteria of the team projects.

If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask them in class or via e-mail.

The goals of this assignment is to prepare your team for the transition to construction. You will be implementing a subset of your system in the coming weeks. Let the work you do for this assignment, put you in a situation where initial programming assignments are clear.

© Ken Anderson, 1998.
Last Updated: 8/16/00; 2:46:36 PM