# Simple Python program to demonstrate how Python handles multiple inheritance # We have classes A, B, C, and D. B and C inherit from A. # D inherits from B and C. # Both B and C define a method foo() and the program reveals # what Python does in this situation. # The print statements also show that Python is able to handle the # fact that A is referenced twice by the inheritance hierarchy and # only creates one instance of A that is reference by both B and C. # You can run this program by typing "python multi.py". # Try creating a similar program in another language that supports # multiple inheritance and see if that langauge makes different # choices than Python. class A(object): def __init__(self): print "In A's __init__" self.w = 10 class B(A): def __init__(self): print "In B's __init__" super(B, self).__init__() self.x = 20 def foo(self): print "B's foo" class C(A): def __init__(self): print "In C's __init__" super(C, self).__init__() self.y = 30 def foo(self): print "C's foo" # Try uncommenting the next line and commenting the one below it # to see how the order of listing the superclasses affects # the method invocation of foo() # class D(B, C): class D(C, B): def __init__(self): print "In D's __init__" super(D, self).__init__() self.z = 40 d = D() for i in ["w", "x", "y", "z"]: print "d.%s = %d" % (i, getattr(d, i)) d.foo()