Homework 4

Please draw upon the material in Lectures 10, 16, and 21 to answer the questions below.

For your semester project:

  1. create the following parts of the inception deck discussed in Lecture 10: Elevator pitch; NOT List; Show your solution (architecture diagram); What keeps you up at night? (project risks); (5 points)
  2. create a list of your top 5-10 user stories; each story should have an estimate and a priority; Note: your ability to generate user stories will of course be dependent on your specific project idea. If you have problems thinking of high level user stories, then move down a level of abstraction and identify more implementation-oriented concerns (5 points)
  3. create an iteration plan; your project should have started last week. Be sure to identify what stories were assigned last week and indicate your progress. Note: if you started working on your project during spring break, you can indicate that on your plan. Make sure your plan identifies how much work you have remaining, how stories are mapped to your iterations, etc. The last week of your plan should be the week of April 30th, targetting a final demo to Prof. Anderson no later than Friday, May 4th. Create a burndown chart and indicate your team's current velocity. (10 points)
  4. include the analysis and design work that you have done for at least two of your user stories. You can include the information for more than two user stories, if you have it. Otherwise, perform this work for at least two of the stories that you are currently working on. This work, at a minimum, should include the 1 pager (see page 166 of the agile textbook), a workflow (if appropriate), personas, and a paper prototype of the UI you are constructing for that story. (20 points)
  5. for one of your stories, write a Cucumber feature file with at least two scenarios that demonstrates how you would evenutally test the behavior of that story; note: you do NOT have to actually implement step definitions for this feature file. (10 points)

This assignment is worth 50 points.

In-Class Students: Please upload an archive containing your answers (PDF document and Cucumber feature file) for this assignment to the moodle before the start of Lecture 26 on Thursday, April 19th, and bring a hardcopy of your assignment to Lecture 26.

CAETE Students: Please upload an archive containing your answers (PDF document and Cucumber feature file) for this assignment to the moodle by 9:30 AM on Thursday, April 19th.

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