Homework 4


Homework 4 continues our work on the semester project. Over the course of Week 8 and Week 9, your team needs to continue its work on the semester project by completing exiting user stories and tasks, identifying new user stories and tasks, and fleshing out the functionality of your prototype.

Below is a list of tasks identifying work that should be done over the course of the iteration. Most tasks identify a deliverable that Prof. Anderson will review when grading your efforts for this assignment.


  • 1. In your tracking software, all user stories and tasks should be clearly identified. That is, it should be easy to distinguish between stories and tasks either visually (e.g. via color) or textually (e.g. T1.1: … for a task or S1: … for a user story.

    Recall that stories document functionality your system should provide to a user and tasks document a development-related work item that needs to be complete to make progress on a story.

    As such, it should be clear in your user story whether the functionality is for a student, a faculty member, a college staff member, or an administrator (our four types of users) and it should be clear for each task which story it is helping to complete.

    All user stories should be annotated with points, representing ideal days to complete. All tasks should be annotated with ideal hours to complete. You will use this information in tasks below.

  • 2. In the wiki portion of your GitHub repo, create a page that documents (for each iteration) your velocity; name this page Iteration Planning. For this iteration, you can simply pick a velocity that you think is reasonable using the techniques in Lecture 8, especially slide 33.

    On the page in your wiki where you document how you arrived at your velocity; use the stories and tasks that now have points/hours identified to perform the analysis shown on slide 32 of Lecture 8 and predict how many iterations you will need to complete your project. (Don't worry if you need more time than we actually have; I just want you to get comfortable with using these techniques for planning.)

    For each subsequent iteration, you will return to this page in your wiki to document what your actual velocity was for Iteration N-1 and use that to update your planning for Iteration N. That is, for each iteration, you will take the velocity of the previous iteration and use that as your velocity for the current iteration and then make a new projection based on the current set of stories and tasks to monitor your overall progress.

  • 3. Hand in hand with task 2 above, your team should be creating an Iteration Burndown chart that will show your actual progress across all of your iterations and a daily burndown chart (one each for iterations 2, 3, 4 & 5). Create links to these charts on the Iteration Planning page in your wiki.
  • 4. Create additional pages within your wiki to document the details of the system you are creating. What technologies are you using, how are you deploying your system; what design decisions have you made; what processes are you using to coordinate your team? This documentation does not need to be extensive but it should provide a good overview of both your system and your team.
  • 5. With respect to implementation priorities; the client would like to see the faculty project submission page continue to be developed and become more functional. If the page contains errors or missing information, the form should display the violations in some way. If the form has all the information it needs, then once it has been submitted, the information should be persisted and it should be possible to view a list of the projects so far and to click on one of the projects in that list to see all of its information in detail. Finally, it would be good to create a placeholder for the student submission page that allows them to provide their information and vote for projects. That form does not need to be functional but it should be present in some way.


The second iteration is due by Friday, October 21st. By that time, you should have completed the tasks above. Prof. Anderson will review your user stories, your wiki documentation, your charts, and your prototype and provide feedback.

© University of Colorado, Boulder 2016