Grades Page

In anticipation of posting the scores for Homework 1, I've added a Grades page to this website. Currently, it lists two tables of "ids". The first table is a list of ids corresponding to the undergraduates enrolled in this class. The second table lists the ids of the graduate students (both in-class and CAETE) enrolled in the class.

Note: If you are an undergraduate student enrolled in the class via CAETE, then your id will appear in the graduate student table. Historically, all CAETE students were graduate students and I'm not going to take the time to distinguish between undergraduates and graduate students enrolled via CAETE.

In my next post, I will explain the algorithm for how you should compute your id. You should, for now, use that algorithm to confirm that the id you expected is listed on the Grades page. If it is not, shoot me an e-mail and I'll supply you with additional details.

© Kenneth M. Anderson, 2011