Grades for Homework 1

The grades for Homework 1 have now been posted on the Grades page. As you will see, the Grades page now displays the average score achieved on this assignment split between undergraduates and graduate students. Your id is now listed as a link that you can click to view a customized report of your grades throughout the semester. The "predicted grade" field is essentially meaningless at this point. As we have just one assignment, it is currently showing you what percentage you achieved on Homework 1 and how that percentage maps into a letter grade. The "predicted grade" field won't really mean anything until later in the semester after we have the midterm, more homeworks, and (for graduate students) the presentation grade.

If you have any questions about the grade you received, please contact the grader. I will be sending his name and e-mail address in a message to all of the enrolled students in class. For future assignments, in addition to the scores, I will also be posting the grader's feedback on the class website. We weren't quite ready to do that for this assignment, so you will need to send him e-mail to gain insight into your scores for this assignment. After you have had a chance to talk to the grader, if you still have questions, you can then arrange to meet with me to discuss your assignment and the grade you received.

© Kenneth M. Anderson, 2011