Deutsches Museum

Munich, Germany

Eric Gundersen

The Deutsches Museum is dedicated to the hands-on education of engineering related sciences. Many of the exhibits are interactive and genuinely educational. I found the Chemistry wing where experiments can be performed at the push of a button to be particularly unique. Physics, Astronomy, and Biology were treated in much the same way. For chemistry, instead of just showing you pictures and writing words about it's history the museum allows you to walkthrough recreations of vintage apothecary shops and labs of the past. For the mining exhibit instead of simply explaining how mining works you are allowed to explore a salt mine which is so large it takes 40 minutes to an hour just to walk. Other exhibits include a BMW manufacturing robot that will assemble a car as you direct. A massive toy train layout with miniature cameras mounted in the cabs allowing for a first-person experience. I also enjoyed the optical illusion exhibit which not only shows you optical illusions but also allows you to manipulate them to better understand how the illusion works. Every type of manmade vechicle from submarines to trains, and zepplins to viking longboats are represented as well. My only critique of the museum is that my feet got tired. This is a museum of such scope and scale that even after my two visits I haven't seen enough of it.