CSCI 3753: Operating Systems

Spring 2005

Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado at Boulder


See the Moodle class Web page at

Schedule & Location: Tues, Thurs 11-12:15 pm, ECCR 265
Course number: CSCI 3753-101, Call # depends on section (see below).  See also the CS Web site and select Spring 2005 under the Courses option.
Prerequisites: CSCI 2270 Computer Science 2: Data Structures.  ECEN 2120 Computers as Components.
Professor Rick Han,
Office: ECOT 521
Office Hours: Tues, Wed 2-3 pm.  Additional appointments as needed.
Phone: 303-492-0914

Other very useful references: 

TA: Brad Morrey
TA Office/Hours: TBD,
TA Email:
TA Grader: Ying Chen,

 R012 Recitation 12276 12:00pm-12:50pm W ECCR 150 TA
 R013 Recitation 12277 03:00pm-03:50pm W MUEN E118 TA

 R014 Recitation 12278 04:00pm-04:50pm W ECCR 1B51 TA

 R015 Recitation (cancelled)
12279 08:00am-08:50am W ECCR 110 TA

Web site for class:


20% Final exam
15% Midterm exam
50% Programming assignments
15% Problem sets/homework

Plagiarism policy.

All programming assignments and homeworks are due by 11 a.m. on their respective due dates, unless otherwise noted.  Programming assignments and homeworks must be submitted by uploading them to the moodle class Web page, unless otherwise noted.   The late policy for programming assignments is as follows: 10% off if submitted within 24 hours of the due date; 20% off if submitted 24-48 hours after the due date; no credit if submitted two days or more after the due date.  Late homeworks will not be accepted, unless otherwise noted by the instructor.  Extensions will not be granted except at the instructor's discretion in documented cases of extreme hardship.

All programming assignments must be written in C and compiled for execution on the Linux operating system.


Problem sets and programming assignments will be posted on the moodle class Web page.

Disability Policy

Religious Observances Policy